A Guide To Wearing Glasses

3 Critical Questions to Ask a Pediatric Optometrist

A child's eyes are delicate and can easily get infections. Therefore, parents must take their kids to a pediatric optometrist for early diagnosis and treatment of eye problems. However, first-time parents might not know what to do during an optometrist visit. Thus, pediatric optometrists advise parents to ask as many questions as possible. This article highlights key questions to ask a pediatric optometrist.

What Is the Risk of Developing Severe Eye Conditions?

Eye conditions in children can be infection-based or genetic-related. Therefore, if an optometrist tells you that your child's eye is free of an infection, you might be tempted to pack up and leave their office. However, this is the last thing you should do. You need to establish whether your child is at risk of developing genetically related eye conditions. When you pose the question to your child's optometrist, they will seek clarity and conduct further eye tests to determine the risk of developing severe infections. Thus, you can better prepare for potential eye problems in the future.

Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses?

Some eye conditions in children require corrective measures, such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. Therefore, ask an optometrist which corrective measure is the most appropriate for your child. Ideally, children as young as three years can wear eyeglasses in cases of severe eye conditions. However, the same is not valid for contact lenses because optometrists can only recommend them for children above eight. Moreover, a pediatric optometrist understands that kids should only wear soft contact lenses. The rigid types present a risk to children because they can cause irritation, leading to vision loss. An optometrist will do their best to prescribe the right lenses for your child's eyesight needs.

What Restrictions to Expect?

While a child with impaired sight can still accomplish amazing things, optometrists are well aware that certain conditions might be restrictive. Therefore, providing the information to parents helps foster a collaborative effort to help kids get around these restrictions. For instance, a child with photophobia might not do too well in rooms or spaces that feature conventional fluorescent lighting. Therefore, when a pediatric optometrist diagnoses your child with photophobia, they will recommend that you avoid using fluorescent lighting in your home. Consequently, you must pass the message to other family members and school instructors. As long as parents, guardians and caregivers understand the restrictions presented by a child's eye condition, they can adjust.

Contact a children's optometrist for more information.